In 2017, researchers, advocates, & community members formed the Strengthening Colors of Pride team & set out to understand the lived experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, & other gender & sexual minority (LGBTQ+) people in the San Antonio Metro Area. Project leaders, with the help of a research team & community advisory board members, developed the largest survey of LGBTQ+ identified individuals ever conducted in South Texas. The survey provides important insight about the demographics of LGBTQ+ people in the area & their experiences with housing & homelessness, healthcare, employment, familial rejection & support, financial stability, resiliency, & much more.
Between June & November of 2019, the Strengthening Colors of Pride research team collected 1819 online surveys from lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & other sexual minorities (LGBTQ+) in the San Antonio metro area. The San Antonio metro area includes Bexar County & the seven counties that surround San Antonio—Kendall, Bandera, Medina, Atascosa, Wilson, Guadalupe, Comal. In this survey, we collected 1545 surveys from Bexar County residents & 274 surveys from the surrounding counties. Residents of all counties were represented in the survey.